Christmas at the Boggs' house was all we had hoped it would be. The kids were all here, and we had many happy times together. I was able to have my "borrowed" granddaughter here on Friday. We baked so many cookies, I've not been able to give them away fast enough! We agreed that we aren't going to wait for a special occasion for her to come back over.
The kids came in late Saturday night, and they all stayed until Thursday. Joe will be coming back through on Wednesday on his way to Enid. Sarah is flying back to FL, from Austin, and Bryan is back in Arlington planning a New Year's Eve party for his friends.
We had dinner with friends last night, and it was so relaxing! It's always nice to have a quiet visit with girlfriends when you know the guys are busy watching football.
I was so happy that chemo was put off for a week. I feel stronger than ever. No nueropathy in my hands or feet, a voracious appetite (lack of appetite has never really been a problem for me). I had my labs done on Friday morning, and am scheduled for round 11 on Monday. I hope that the white cells will be cooperating after the busy Christmas season. I'll be going into 2008 connected to the pump. Hoping that it will be a better year.
A friend of mine posted this on another forum and I thought I'd share with everyone. This is my wish for all of my family, friends, and neighbors for the new year:
My Wish for You in 2008
May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts. May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet of $100 bills. May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips! May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires and may happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy. May the problems you had forget your home address! In simple words................
May 2008 be the best year of your life!!!
The things that don't kill us make us stronger. Living a full life as a Cancer Survivor.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Post Christmas
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
On the other hand, I'm really lucky that I've had so few side effects through all of this. I think about my friends who have felt this way after every treatment. They are my heroes! I will do this, I only have 2 more treatments.
My dear friend and colleague, Deana, retired from Country Cottage on Friday. We had a little retirement/Christmas party for her at the shop. She has been with us for years, and we will all miss her. I helped put out the last of the cemetary arrangements that afternoon, and just spent the afternoon visiting with employees and customers. It was a fun day.
Sunday brought the Christmas Cantata at church. The choir did a wonderful job. The music was absolutely beautiful. I didn't stay for the luncheon afterwards. I'm still a little afraid of lots of people massed together in a small space.
I started Christmas shopping on Monday, but "chemo brain" took over. I have to admit I've been a little loopy/goofy since this last treatment. I went to Walmart to look for stocking stuffers, and ended up buying Christmas outfits for the dogs. I couldn't remember where I parked, so I wandered around the parking lot for about 10 minutes, looking like a bag lady.
Elvis is now Puppy Claus. Priscilla is his happy Helper Elf. Tubby is the Greedy Reindeer, and Loretta is the Victoria Secret Christmas Angel. Don apologized to all four of the dogs for the indignity that I put them through, but I think they liked the attention.
Tuesday I had a surprise visitor, Hillary! She is a friend of Joe's, who's going through chemo right now, and staying in Mt. Pleasant with her family. We baked cookies, and visited until around 4:00, when Mindy came in. Mindy is one of Sarah's best friends. She drove in from Dallas to check on her Grandmother, and stopped by to say hi. I told the girls that I'm the only person I know who sees her children's friends more often than she sees her children.
I'm planning a quick trip to Longview this afternoon. I still haven't done the stocking stuffers. After that I think I'll call Christmas shopping done. This year Christmas at the Boggs house will have more to do with memories, than gifts.
I've enjoyed nice long telephone visits with several friends this week, and I can't express how happy that makes me. I'm baking cookies on Friday with my "borrowed" grandchild. The kids will all be in late Saturday night, and Christmas can oficially begin!
D'Auan lost her sweet Tynus on Thursday of last week. He had put up a courageous fight. I am praying that God will grant her peace. Hillary will have a treatment on Thursday of this week. I am praying for strength for her. Judy and Worthie are both through with their treatments for now. I am praying for their gift to be joy! I am thanking the Lord that I feel so healthy, and will have my family around me this Christmas.
Hoping all will have a joyous Christmas.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Well, the "cemetary runs" on Wednesday, weren't such a good idea after all. I spent most of Thursday in bed, just worn out! Don cooked steaks last night, and today will be a better day.
On the list for today, is another trip to the shop to drop off paperwork. I need to get the cemetaries finished today, before the weather gets too bad. We are supposed to have dinner tonight with a group of old friends. They are the people we started out our "newly-wed" time together with. Should be fun!
I'm off for labs this A.M., then I'll worry about the rest of the list.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
I got a lot done on Wednesday. Spent quite a bit of time at the flower shop, and set out Christmas cemetary arrangements at some of the local cemetaries. Things are really picking up there, wish I could do more to help out.
The Christmas decorating at the house is almost done, now I need to start the shopping. Planning on doing some Christmas cookie baking with Miss Jessica this season. It's a little Christmas present to myself! Since we don't have any of our own kids around, I have to "borrow" one!
Sarah is flying in on the 22nd, and I'm sure the boys will be here soon after.
Christmas is on us, full steam! Listening to Aaron Neville's Christmas songs, and hoping you all take time to enjoy the season.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
It has been a busy, crazy month! Aunt Joby sent me a note and said that it sounds like we are having "open house". She's right!! Uncle Buddy and his daughter Sharon dropped in one Saturday. What a shock! They drove up from Anahuac, and Houston just to spend the day. I haven't seen Buddy since last March. He was always one of my favorite people. All the kids could count on him to have red dentine chewing gum in his pockets. He would throw us all off when he'd switch to green! I haven't seen Sharon in years. We spent the day visiting, and then I made jambalaya for everyone. I hope to see them again soon. Uncle Buddy is now raising miniature cattle. I have to check that out.
Sarah, Bryan, Joe, and Carmella were all here from Wednesday through Saturday for Thanksgiving. I cooked ahead, and we were able to have lunch about 1:30. That's a record for the Boggs Bunch. The table was really pretty. I'm still trying to figure out how to add pictures to this blog :(. Computers aren't my thing, and html--forget it!
I got the tree up on Sunday, after Thanksgiving, but didn't finish it till yesterday. I had some light issues this year, and just didn't want to deal with it. The house is upside down right now. Christmas decorations and storage boxes are everywhere. Sarah's friend Mindi dropped by yesterday and said that the house looks like it threw up Christmas. She's right. We worked on wreath ribbons, and had a good time.
I went into the shop Thursday morning, and stayed until around 12:00. Don and I drove over to Shreveport in the afternoon, and did some shopping at the Boardwalk mall. It was really nice, there were no crowds, and we just strolled leisurly, and window shopped. We had a wonderful dinner that night, then drove back to M.P. the next morning. I was back at the flower shop by 11:00, and stayed until almost 5:00. I tied bows for poinsettas all afternoon.
I probably overdid it, because I wasn't worth shooting Saturday. I wish I had an internal alarm that would go off when I'm doing too much. I never know until it's too late.
I've been watching all the Christmas Specials, Charlie Brown's Christmas, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, etc. I made Don sit down with me last night to watch Charlie Brown. He wasn't pleased, but he was a trooper. He doesn't get into the spirit of Christmas until around midnight on Christmas Eve. That's such a waste of a wonderful, uplifting season. It's almost over before he starts enjoying it. I've been listening to Christmas music since Thanksgiving. I just love it.
I think I'll try to find Jim Carey's Grinch movie today. Don can watch that tonight!
I've made my "to do" list for today, and it's growing. This is the first day in as far back as I can remember that the house is quiet. No one's here but Hazel, Pops, and me! No excuse for not getting that list finished.
I'll be going in for labs on Friday, and the 10th treatment is scheduled for Monday, the 10th. I've been prescribed some pre-meds, so hopefully, there will be no reaction this time. After this, 2 more to go. I CAN DO THIS!! I have been blessed through this whole ordeal. I have learned to live everyday with a grateful heart, and to not take anyone, or anything for granted. God's blessings show up in the simplest things, and the blessings are all around us, we just have to be still, and they appear all around us.
I'm praying special prayers for Tynus and D'Auan, Judy, Worthie, Hillary, and their families today, I hope you will be too.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Treatment #9 did not go as smoothly as the other treatments went.
My appointment with Dr. Saez was a good one. He decided that we needed to adjust the oxalyplatin by a bit so that the nueropathy in my hands would not linger. He re-adjusted my schedule so that I won't have a treatment on Christmas Eve-whew! My last December treatment will be on New Years Eve. That works fine with me. We don't usually go anywhere on that night anyway.
I had a bad reaction to something in either the chemo, or the pre-treatment. Agitation, swelling in my hands, a bad rash on my hands and wrists, and nausea. Yuck. They stopped the treatment for about 45 min., and gave me more benadryl. That seemed to work. When they restarted the chemo, they slowed the drip down quite a bit. Made for a long day. I got home about 3:30. I'm grateful I didn't have to drive back from Paris!
I still owe everyone Thanksgiving and pre-Thanksgiving stories. Hopefully I will get that done by Friday.
For now I'm going back to bed. Thank you all for your continued prayers. Please remember the sweet Atkinson family, Tynus, Hilary, Worthie, Judy, and everyone else touched by Cancer, or hardship in your prayers.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Hi All,
I'm off for treatment in about an hour. Number 9!!! Three more to go. I'll see the doctor today, and have a few questions for him. The nueropathy is lasting the full two weeks now, so I think he'll probably adjust my dose. I heard last week that this is a marathon, not a sprint. That makes sense. I'm going to have to slow down a little.
I'll post more later. Thanksgiving was a treat! Can't wait to tell you about it.
Pray, Pray, Pray--
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Week after Treatment
I have to say treatments are much, much easier when taken close to home. One of my Dr.s said early on "The best treatment is local treatment, as long as it is the same treatment." He was so right. I drove myself to the hospital, and drove myself home. Of course when I got home I went straight to bed for 3 days!
We had dinner with friends Friday night, and Bryan came in late that night too. He wouldn't miss being here for the first weekend of deer season. I'm just glad none of my boys like to deer hunt! Don and I went to Tyler Sunday afternoon for a quick errand, and Bryan held down the fort at the plant!
This past Monday was a wonderful day! I got a late start, but drove to Dallas to do flower shop errands. I listened to the soundtrack from Evita the whole way over and back, and have to admit that I sang along with most of it at the top of my lungs! I'm sure the other drivers must have thought I was crazy, but I don't care. I never could have put that CD in if Don had been with me. Made a quick side trip to Central Market. It's one of my favorite places in Dallas. Picked up pre-made dinners for two nights, and a quick salad for lunch--yum.
I am suffering from the can't get goings lately. I had an appointment with a friend on Tuesday at 11:00, and didn't get dressed until 10:45! I made it, but I was about 15 minutes late. I hate to be late, but I think I'm going to have to get used to it, I'm calling this the "Paula Syndrome". My friend Paula told me that while she was going through all of her treatments, she just couldn't seem to stay on track, and get going in the mornings. If any of you can think of a better term for this, please let me know.
I went into the shop on Tuesday, and helped process flowers. It was so much fun, just like the old days! Everytime I opened a box, I'd say these are the most beautiful I've ever seen!!! I think I might have been a little too enthusiastic! Deana had to remind me to get a grip! Of course, she is around flowers 4-5 days a week, it was all new to me all over again.
I'm going to make a run to Longview today for more flower shop errands. We (the shop) is doing a dinner on Thursday, with 40 tables to decorate. I'm really excited. They need me!!!!
Joe is coming in on Friday, and plans to stay through Sunday. I'm to have my labs done at the hospital here on Friday, then have to run back to Longview. My next treatment (#8!!!!!!) will be on Monday, the 12th. This is working out well. Thanksgiving week will be a good one. Everyone is coming home, and I'll be doing the cooking. Can't wait. You know I have to have something to look forward to, and Thanksgiving is one of my very most favorite holidays!
I'm sorry I won't be able to see "the girls" on Tuesday night. They are getting together to play Bunko, and I am supposed to be a hostess. I'll still be hooked up to that nasty pump, so I will have to miss this time. Hopefully, next time the timing will be right.
I'm so grateful for all the phone calls I've received the past couple of weeks.
I'm grateful for the sunshine and beautiful fall weather we've been enjoying.
I'm grateful to have such a loving and supportive family and community to surround me at this time.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Starting the last 1/2
I had a busy day today, it felt like old times! I started out with my usual errands, covered the P.O. , the bank, the beauty shop (you know I have to check in with Nancy!) and the flower shop all before 11:00 A.M.
My cousin Becky called, and was on her way in, so I rushed home. We had enough time for a quick visit, then had lunch at Don's store. I had a 1:30 appt. with Dr. Saez, so we hurried to the hospital.
The Dr.'s visit went really well. He is very kind and gentle, yet he seemed aggresive enough to help me keep the "C" word at bay for a while. He did an examination, and explained to me that the colon cancer chemos I've been on have all been helping the breast cancer. I had no idea. I am taking Arimadex, which is for breast cancer. I knew that the Avastin (prescribed for the colon cancer) will also treat breast cancer, but I had no idea that the other drugs will also fight breast cancer. What a relief! I thought the breast cancer was going to race ahead and beat me while I was giving my all to the colon fight.
I appreciated Dr. Saez's tactful bluntess. I WILL probably be on chemo off and on for the rest of my life. That doesn't mean that this disease is terminal, it just means that it can be treated. No one is guaranteed a certain number of years. I wake up everyday, and remind myself that I will die one day, but not today. Dr. Saez, really just re-affirmed my thoughts on mortality, and quality of life.
The good news is that I had my blood work done today, and Dr. Saez will see me in Mt. Pleasant on Monday for my 7th treatment. No more driving to Paris!!! I'll miss Dr. Wilcox, and her wonderful staff, but I'm so grateful we won't have that 2 hour round trip to make every other week.
The visit with Becky was fun. It was good getting caught up with her family. We've both been guilty of putting off visits! Our friend Clint came by this afternoon, and was able to stay a while. We agreed, I need to find "the purpose" of my life. I'm all ready thinking about what that might be.
Bryan came in for dinner tonight. He'll only stay until tomorrow afternoon. I'm just glad to see him, and grateful that he lives close enough to drive in for even a short visit.
I received two beautiful bound photo albums from Lynn this afternoon. Great Grandfather Frese, was an amauteur photographer. I had no idea! Lynn sent a wonderful collection of really old family photos, and a second batch of newer ones. We've all had fun looking through them, and marveling at how much some of our younger generations look like the older ones.
I need to wind this up, and get to bed. It seems like when the fatigue sets in these days, it hits me like a sledge hammer! lol
I am praying for the Kirkham Boys, I'm so sorry for the loss of their father. I only learned of it today. I continue to pray for my friends, families, and strangers who have been touched by this disease, and I praise God for my friends and neighbors who support us in this fight.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Scan Results
Good news! Don spoke with the radiologist yesterday afternoon, and the scan looked great!
The malignant lymph nodes in my chest cavity have shrunk from 24 milimeters down to 13, which is normal size. The tumor on my eliac (sp) vein has totally disapeared! He couldn't find it anywhere. There is no other sign of any new growths!!!
I know it has to be a sign of the power of prayer.
I have 6 more treatments. We are going to speak with the doctor here in M.P., to see if future treatment can be given at the local hospital. The new cancer center is set to open on April 18, 2008. I hope by then that I won't be needing it!!!!!!
I walked last night with Don, and we both agreed that a weight had been lifted from our shoulders. This whole experience has been like a roller coaster. We just hold on and hope for the best.
The weather couldn't be more beautiful. With this little cool front the trees should start changing colors any day. I hope you all can get outdoors, and bask in the sunshine with the cool breeze washing over you. It is a real treat.
One of my cousins, Becky is coming up from Anahuac this Friday for a day visit. We never seem to be able to get together these days. I'm looking forward to seeing her.
I have to admit that I've learned a lesson through all of this. I used to live life planning 10-15 years ahead. There would always be time to see relatives and old friends later on. Now I think I really understand what living for today means. God tells us not to worry about tomorrow. I think I am finally getting it.
I continue to pray for Worthie, Judy, Tynus & D'Auan, Elizabeth & Wayne, Hollis & Debi, Paula & John, Mindi, all of my friends and those I don't know who are touched by the "C" word. It seems the prayer list grows daily. Please continue to pray for us.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Please pray for me and my family. My first scan since beginning chemo is scheduled for 8:00 A.M., Tuesday Oct. 23. I'm scared to be honest.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
1/2 Way
It has been a good week! The cousins came in on Sunday, and we had a wonderful, if too short day!!! We enjoyed looking at pictures, and remembering our all too brief times together. Laura, Lynn, and Page haven't changed a bit. I caught myself just staring at them. I can't express how much this visit meant to me.
I had an extra 2 days off from chemo this week. Don drove me to Paris on Wednesday for my 6th treatment. I'm half way through! Red cells, and white cells were good. Come to find out, the Dr. has decreased my dosage to try to give the white cells a chance to catch up. I think it must be working.
The side effects haven't been as obvious. I'm having more "hot-flashes" than feeling a tenderness to cold. Just 6 more to go, I'm willing myself through it.
I've spent the last day and 1/2 in the bed. Now I know all about Rosie O'Donell. Thank y0u E-TV!!!!
I am scheduled to have a CT Scan on Tuesday. Please pray hard for good results. My CEA levels can't be tracked. We'll know if the chemo is working by the results of the CT Scan.
I continue to pray for all my friends who have been touched by this horrible disease.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Resting Up
I guess I made it clear in my last post that I had to miss my last treatment in September. I was told to go home and enjoy myself. I'm still hunting for an answer to building white blood cells. Thanks to Don, we have the red cells covered!
If I was told once, I was told a million times to go home and enjoy life. How is that possible? I feel good, no pain. I rejoice in that, I am blessed. This could be SO MUCH worse. I talk to my children every day, and they are all doing well, happy is the word. Don is coping, and considering everything he is faced with, is handling this gracefully. I think enjoying life means staying in contact with all of the important people in your life. That has to be it. I have been able to visit with many good friends and family members over the past two weeks, and I couldn't be more grateful for that opportunity.
Lenice, my wonderful sister in law came to visit the last weekend in September. It was so good to see her again. We had "adventures" while she was here. Chocolate cake for breakfast and lunch is always a positive! I wish we lived closer, she is so much fun.
Don took me to Paris on Monday, October 1 for treatment. I didn't have to see the doctor. My red counts were perfect--the steak on Sunday night was the ticket! The white cells were still a little off, not as bad as the week before, but just a little down. I received a flu shot before my infusions. I slept through much of the treatment, woke myself up snoring. I didn't realize I snored!!!
I have pretty much stayed in the house this week. The sensitivity to cold wasn't a problem this time, it seemed I couldn't get cool enough. I haven't had as much of a problem with nueropathy either, I just didn't have the energy to get out. I guess you could say I bonded with the bed, E TV, the food network, and court tv. Ask me anything about Lindsey Lohan, Brittany, or Paris, I feel like I know them personally.
My next treatment is scheduled for Wednesday, October 17. This will be my mid-point treatment. I should be scheduled for a CT Scan at the end of October, to see if the treatment is working. In the meantime, Bryan is home this weekend, so things are looking up. The "cousin" visit will be here before I know it. I think Don is as excited as I am to see Lynn, Laura (what a surprise!) and Page. We are planning a Mexican food binge for the girls. I have plenty of book work to do, and Lenice loaded me up with must read books so I shouldn't be without projects for the next 2 weeks.
I continue to pray for my friends and everyone who might be touched by this disease. Please add the Fortner Family to your prayer lists. Jerrie was truly a wonderful lady, and I will miss her. Mindy Nobles, Judy, Worthie, Tynus, Hollis, Elizabeth, Wayne, John, and Paula, and their families consume my thoughts and prayers. There are just SO MANY, I know I've left someone out.
It can overwhelm me if I allow myself to think of all of the people who are touched by this horrible disease. There has to be a cure on the horizon. I continue to pray for that. It is what is keeping me going today.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Skipping Treatment
I have had a good week. Bryan and Joe came in briefly on Thursday night. It might have been Friday morning, I'm really not sure. I got up at 5:00 am, and visited with them until 6:00 am, when they left on another road trip. Plans were to start out @ Graceland in Memphis, TN, then end up @ Wrigley Field for the last game of the season on Sun. night. They had other stops planned on the way. I'm not really sure where exactly they are now, I just know they will be back here Tuesday morning.
Saturday night Don and I had dinner at Luigi's. It was our first circle meeting for the year. It was good to see everyone again. It was a nice night.
Lana and I drove over to Paris for treatment this morning. My appointment was at 10:00. I finally got to see the Dr. about 11:15, and she told me I would not get chemo this week. It seems my white count is vera, vera, off! News to me, I've never felt better! The good news is that my red counts were good, and I've finally managed to gain a little weight. The Chemo Nazi says "NO CHEMO FOR YOU!"
Dr.'s orders for this week are for me to have a good time. I'm not in isolation or anything, I can go out to eat, or go shopping, whatever. I don't need to get on a plane, bus or, where everyone is crowded in, or be around anyone who is in the least bit sick, but I can get out, so I guess I'll just sit back and enjoy a second week in a row with no pump following me around!
My wonderful sister in law, Lenice is planning a trip up this weekend, and I hear that Johnny Rodriquez is performing at the fair this weekend. Talk about a blast from the past. Don and I used to dance to him back in our college days. Might have to go have a listen.
Please keep us in your prayers, we are going to get through this with God's help!!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Week 3 September 14-17
Friday the 14th started off with a special surprise. A call from "Cousin" Lynn. It was wonderful to hear her happy voice again. You don't realize how much a voice, or tone can effect people until you hear them after a long absence. That might be why I prefer to call people rather than write or e-mail. I like to hear voices. She's planning a visit for October. She'll be driving in with Page. I'm so glad I'll be able to see them again. We'll have lots of catching up to do.
Friday afternoon I drove the 5 hour drive to Anahuac, TX. My hometown. Southeast Texas. The Alligator capital of Texas, and not published, but I've alway thought it might also be the mosquito capital of Texas. I went down for a mini class reunion, and the "Gatorfest".
Don decided it would be best if he stayed here, and in spite of all of my pleading he wouldn't be budged.
I'm going to try to add some pictures to this post later, but I need to find out from the kids how to add them. Computers really aren't my thing.
Bryan and Roddy Simpson met me down there, and we spent the day with Loy, Veggie, her precious Adrian, Cheryle and her family, Carol, Carolyn, Kathy, Dawn,Lee, Dee, Rusty,and Jim. I got to see David and Debbie, Donna and Donnie, Wayne and Elizabeth, Becky, Niki (one of my baby cousins, who has grown into a beautiful young lady) Aunt Joby, and Aunt Biddy. I'm sure I've left someone out. I don't mean too but it really was an overwhelming day.
The girls took a boat ride up the Trinity river. I had never seen the river from the bay up. Didn't realize there were so many cabins along the west bank. We spotted one alligator, but were told that most of them hide during the gatorfest. They might be smarter than we give them credit for!
The most fun part of the day was an airboat ride I took with Bryan and Roddy. We spun around, hit and flew over a mud bank, hit more water, spun some more, and it was over before I wanted it to be. It was a BLAST! I want to learn to drive one of those things. I kept yelling "make it go faster!"
We ate corny dogs, barbecue, drank lemonaide, had snow cones, and more or less grazed all day.
That night there was a concert "under the hill". I don't remember ever seeing that many people in Anahuac before. John A. Miller showed up, Mike Fountain was there, and I didn't recognize Curtis Smith. I'm sure I've left someone out. We all stayed in the back of a tent in the beer garden, so we didn't have to fight the crowd. I think everyone had a good time, I know I did. It was just so much fun seeing all of my old friends, and catching up after so many years.
Sunday morning I met my wonderful Carol Gary in Beaumont for lunch. She's celebrating a new career! Executive Director of the Beaumont Fire Museum. After lunch I was treated to a private tour of the museum, then a driving tour of downtown Beaumont. It sure looks different than I remembered. Of course I haven't been down there since probably the early '70's! We drove out to her house and I had a chance to see Wade, and meet Michael. We all had a fun visit, I haven't gotten to spend as much time with her as I would like, she has a sunshine personality, and can make any situation funny. She is really a special friend.
I got back to Mt. Pleasant around 10:00 Sunday night. Don met me with sad news. Our youngest dog, Ray Price, had been run over. We had planned on sending him up to Indiana, to champion him out. I think Don is more upset than he is trying to show. It is sad sitting on the deck and not hearing Ray constantly bark.
My Mom was a gracious hostess this weekend, she had dinner, breakfast, and lunch ready whenever anyone was ready. She put up with all the comings and goings patiently. Thanks Mom, and thanks for sharing your kitty with me for 2 nights.
Sept 10-13 Week 2
The last time I had a treatment, my red counts were low. I couldn't get out of bed for most of that week. Don decided we'd try an experiment and I'd eat red meat before the next treatment. On Sunday night he grilled sirloin strips, medium rare. They were delicious!
I drove myself to Titus Regional Hospital here in Mt. Pleasant on Monday morning for my appointment with Dr. Wilcox. Believe it or not after the lab reports came back in we found out that my red count was normal! Don is really onto something, but I always knew he was highly intelligent!
I slept through most of the infusion, then drove myself home. The only side effect I had this time was being uncomfortably cold. I layered on the clothes, and gloves until I looked like a bag lady wearing everything she owns. I spent most of Tuesday in the bed, then it was steak time again. This time we tried rib-eyes, yum!
I went back to TRMC on Wednesday to have the pump removed. The chemo never really knocked me down this time. I was able to run errands on Thursday. It felt good to not loose a day this week. I'm pretty sure Don must be onto something with the red meat. We'll be trying it again next treatment week.
Sept.1-9 Week 1
I'm going to have to break September into three posts. So much has been happening, I'm having a hard time keeping it all straight!
Sarah, Lee, and Bryan came in for Labor Day weekend. We didn't scare Lee off!!! It was a hoot. On Sunday, Danielle and her Brian came in for the day to swim and visit. They ended up staying the night. The boys all went hunting and the girls hung out on the deck. It was so much fun seeing Sarah and Danielle get all caught up.
The house cleared out Monday, and Tuesday Sarah and I went to Longview to do some shopping and have lunch. We had a really fun day, but I got a little sick on the way home that afternoon. I'm going to learn someday that just because a rueben sandwich sounds good, it's not necessarily such a good idea.
Tuesday was Don and my 31st anniversary. Imagine that! Sarah cooked shrimp scampi for us that night, while we had a little "date" on the deck.
On Wednesday, we had to take our little girl back to Dallas to catch her flight. I didn't cry this time, we'll be seeing her at Thanksgiving, and that will be here before we know it.
Stephanie and Alice came over Thursday night. It's always good to see friends, and we had a nice vistit. Don and I went to dinner on Saturday night with Barry and Lana. The Carson House is as good as I remembered it. I think the last time we were there was New Years Eve 2001.
So much for week 1, I'll continue with week 2 in the next post.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Coming Out of the Tunnel
Don and I had a wonderful week last week. We went out to dinner with Barry and Lana on Friday night, Sunday night Jeanni and Colt came over and brought aspargus quiche, asparagus soup, and chicken noodle soup. I HAVE to have those recipes! Colt enjoyed the pool, and it was so much fun watching him have fun. Margaret came by Monday morning and brought a delicious pound cake. Mary Gail brought by some of Bob's famous chicken soup on Monday night. I had lunch out with Alice on Thursday, and Stephanie and Carla came by for a visit that afternoon. On Friday, I went to the shop, and helped with some funeral work. I actually got to work on two easels. It was good to be back. Nancy worked me in for a hair appointment, isn't it funny how good the beauty shop makes you feel? Maybe it's a girl thing. She is so funny. She has refilled my freezer with peas!!!! Yes, they are still very yummy, and I'm still going through them at a pretty good clip. Connie brought a big pot of vegetable soup in, and then made us some broccoli cheese soup. I walked three miles only once this past week. It was just too hot! I did swim quite a bit. Sunday afternoon Hazel brought her two grandbabies over to swim. They really had fun and it was entertaining just watching them enjoy the water.
On Monday Stephanie drove me to Paris for my third treatment. I've lost another pound. I don't get it. I have been eating more than I ever have and I just can't seem to keep the weight on. Believe me, my friends are keeping us well fed! I was glad to have the opportunity to visit with Stephanie. We had lost touch when I was going in to work everyday. She is lots of fun. The treatment went well. Dr Wilcox added some benadryl to the infusion so that I wouldn't break out in another rash. That seemed to help some. I only had two little places come through on my left arm this Thursday.
My red counts were low, but because I seemed to be in otherwise pretty good shape, and my white counts were normal, Dr. Wilcox went ahead with the treatment. I know now why you don't want to get chemo when your red counts are low. I couldn't get out of bed on Tuesday. Don cooked a steak and I was a little better on Wednesday, but I didn't truly rebound until this morning.
A funny new side effect hit me last Monday night. I HAD to have a milk shake. I talked Don into going into town for one, against his better judgement. I knew I needed to drink tiny sips, and do it slowly. It was good! When I went to tell Don good night, I couldn't talk. My tongue was frozen. I sounded like Sylvester the cat. It was so funny, that I had to try to say every word I could think of that started with an "s".
Sarah, Lee and Bryan will all be here this weekend. I haven't seen Lee since I was in the hospital. I hope we don't scare him off. I think Don and Bryan are planning to take him hunting. Welcome to East Texas Lee!
Sarah will get to stay until Wednesday, then it's back to Florida for her. Wish I could go with her. We are going to try to do some shopping, and other than that just hang out at the pool.
If I don't post much this next week, please forgive me again. I'm going to try to enjoy life as much as I can, and that might not include sitting in front of this computer. The sun is supposed to be out every day this next week!! I'm feeling strong, and continue to thank the Lord for all the blessings he has given me. Keep us in your prayers.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Round 2
So far I'm making it through round 2. The infusion on Tuesday took about 4 hours. The doctor was running behind, and the chemo room was almost full. I got my full dose of Folfox, and it was followed with a 1 1/2 hour infusion of Avastin. I'm still wearing the pump with an IV of Fluorauracil. It will come off tomorrow at 12:30.
I felt pretty good yesterday, but woke up nauseated this morning. I just couldn't get going today. Late this afternoon I broke out in an itchy rash on both of my arms. The neuropathy is back. I'm drinking lukewarm liquids, eating lukewarm fruit, and wearing my leather gloves in the kitchen. Thank goodness it will probably be gone in a few days.
So now everyone knows that I'm really a closet whiner. Sorry. Tomorrow will be a better day.
Thank you all for your continued prayers, cards, and e-mails.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
What a wonderful day it has been. I rejoice and am glad in it.
Plans were to stay at home all day, and get caught up on my correspondence. I almost met that goal. I still have three letters to write, and I'll be up to date:). Now, if I can just get to the post office in the morning, I'll be doing all the good.
The weather is absolutely beautiful, the sky is blue. What more could anyone ask for? I didn't walk tonight, our friends Barry and Lana dropped by, and I was glad for the diversion. We are going to get together this weekend, so that's something to look forward to.
Connie will be here in the morning to help me with bookwork, and thank goodness Mom is still here to help me in the kitchen. I should be all set for next week, with a freezer full of Magic Mineral Broth, (thank you Lisa) and purple hull peas(thank you Debi)!
I am so grateful for a wonderful day like today.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Catch up
I am so sorry I do not post more often than I do. I seem to get wrapped up in all I want to get done, and before I know it the day is gone! I am going to try to do better, but let me warn you--I don't really lead a very interesting life, so please bear with me, and I hope you don't get too bored!!!! ---
First of all I need to thank everyone who has posted, called, sent cards, or e-mailed us. You will never know what that small gesture on your part has meant to me and Don. It is such a joy to pick up the mail, check the blog or e-mail, and receive a note. The small things you all continue to do have sustained us. We are amazed and humbled at the outpouring of love that is being shown to us. ---
Now, let me make this perfectly clear. My first round of chemo was wretched. That about sums it up. The tingling in my fingers lingered until Monday of this week. Today is the first day I have been able to drink anything with ice in it comfortably. Enough of my whining. ---
I started feeling a little better by Friday afternoon last week. Saturday was a little better than Friday, and Bryan came home! Don and Bryan had guys night out and went to see the Bourne Ultimatum. They both gave the movie two thumbs up. I'm so glad Don got to go do something fun for a change. It seems that his life is all about taking care of everyone else. He is absolutely the best husband, and son anyone could ever hope for. I am so fortunate. ---
Sunday morning I woke up and felt like a human being is supposed to feel. It was wonderful! I put my suit on and got in the pool for the first time in two years. Marvelous!!!!!! I had floated around for about an hour and a half, when I got a sympathy call from the funeral home. Only another florist can appreciate what that really means. I had to go! I had no idea what we had in stock, I'm officially out of the loop. I took care of the family, and was greening up their order, when Felecia came in and rescued me. The neuropathy in my hands was still giving me some trouble, so everytime I picked up a piece of greenery I felt like electric shocks were running through my fingers. ---
When I got home Mom had lunch ready. I ate like a farm hand. Pot roast, with all the trimmings, and fresh peas, absolutely yummm!!!!!! I don't think I've told many people about this, but, I discovered last week that whenever peas are cooking my mouth starts watering. I can't eat them fast enough, or often enough. Thank goodness they are in season now.
Sunday was good. ---
Monday, Don, Mom, and I went to Dallas to see Dr. Crim, the colon surgeon. He did his final post op exam, and cleared me for six months, or the end of chemo, which ever comes first. I always feel so much better after seeing him. His attitude is so positive. ---
After the appointment, we stopped by Central Market and did a little shopping. My friend Lisa McDaniel gave me a wonderful cookbook for cancer survivors called "One Bite at Time". I couldn't wait to try the recipes, but some of the ingredients are hard to find in Mt. Pleasant. We got everything we need to make "Magic Mineral Broth", and that's on my to do list for Wednesday. ---
Today, Tuesday August 7, has been a blessing I won't take lightly. I started out at 7:00 this morning by making my to do list. Unfortunately, I didn't get it all done, but it will carry over. Mom ran errands with me this morning, and we got everything done by 11:15. I put my suit back on, and rested by the pool for a while this afternoon, until my friend Debbie Newman came over bearing a whole bushel of peas!!!! We got to catch up, and celebrate her good news. Her husband, Hollis, who was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML) is now officially in remission!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!! He is such an inspiration. He picked all those peas this morning, what a guy! ---
Mom, Hazel, and I shelled peas until late this afternoon. My mouth started watering while I was doing that too. I think I must be pea obsessed. When Don got home we walked a mile, and I felt like I could have gone more, but our friend Ronnie dropped by and we stopped, grateful for the company. I'm slowly working back to 2 miles. We finished the evening off with another quick swim which was really refreshing!---
I am so grateful for today. God has truly blessed me. I have not felt this good since February! I can't wait till tomorrow. I'm gonna finish that list and start a new one!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Feeling a bit better
First round of chemo was Monday. I received a 3 hour IV, of what the Dr. calls "Folfax". It is a recipe of 3 different types of chemo drugs. When the office infusion finished, they hooked me up to a portable pump, and I came home with a 42 hour dose attached to me. It wasn't quite the piece of cake I thought it might be.
By that afternoon I was already feeling some of the side effects. I couldn't eat or drink anything the least bit cold, and I could not reach into the fridge without gloves on. Didn't I look a sight, 90 degrees outside, and I'm wearing black leather gloves! The nausea held off until Wed. morning when we were able to go to the local hospital and have the pump removed. I guess it was a delayed reaction, but by Thursday, I couldn't get out of bed, and could barely open my eyes.
Now it's Friday :) I feel much better! Bryan is coming in for the weekend and Mom is here watching over us. I'm looking forward to visiting with friends, and just enjoying the sunshine!
I will be going in for the next treatment on Tuesday, August 14., so I will have a week of feeling good ahead.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Before Ports, We Have Airports...
This is an interactive blog. Some of the words in the blog are links... click the link and an associated picture will pop up in a new window.
I have been so pleased with the resurgence of Mom's energy as she recovers from the surgery. Over the past week, she has seemed as though she were going stir crazy from lack of activity. Since her port was not scheduled to be installed until Tuesday (the 24th), I suggested that she make a quick trip to Florida for a little R&R. To my excitement she accepted the invite!
On Friday, I had to work a little bit, so Mom got acquainted with my building. She especially loved the meditation garden on the 6th floor. There is a gazebo overlooking the New River, and Mom adored the purple flowers that covered it. She also liked watching the boats out front... and the view. She said that she can see how the view causes me to reflect and think about things. It's very theraputic.
After I finished my work, we went for a little tour of the area, and ended up back at my favorite restaurant on Ft. Lauderdale Beach. It is called Spazio, and we were able to snag a table on the sidewalk, and enjoy the weather, the beach and the people watching. There were sailors in town this weekend, so we got a kick out of talking to them. How DO YOU keep those pants to incredibly white?!
On Saturday, we drove up to Palm Beach and checked out Donald Trump's house. Even though we weren't able to drive up to the gates, we could tell that it was quite garish, but that was to be expected. Apparently it's not a house at all, but a private club.
After Palm Beach, we cruised back down South to Hollywood and visited the Hard Rock Casino. That was a real treat. Mom had asked several times how close I was to the casino, especially after all of the circus with Anna Nicole had started. The weather wasn't great, so it was a perfect time to check out an indoor attraction. Something really funny happened as we walked in, but I don't think I could do it justice on a blog. It's the kind of story that needs to be told in person. Ask Mom about it when you see her next.
On Sunday, we had the most active day yet. We spent the afternoon in South Beach. That's right, Mom went to South Beach. :-) The weather was still pretty dreary, so we were really lucky to get a great parking spot. We walked up and down the main drag and ranked our favorite buildings. The Tides Hotel was magnificent. Then we got to see Versace's pad. Wow.
When we got back to Ft. Lauderdale, we had just enough time to take a boat tour before dinner. It was the perfect way to end the day. The tour took us from the dock near my apartment, through downtown, then a residential area, then the beach area, then Port Everglades. We got to see more boats, big houses, 2 battleships, an aircraft carrier and a nuclear submarine. I'd say it was a full tour. lol.
On the last night, I cooked dinner for Mom, Matt (my roommate) and Bohdan (my neighbor and best friend's husband). Of course, Mom being a mom, she needed a picture of the three of us at the dinner table... to show my dad that we are a respectable lot. lol. We sure fooled her... or something.
Without a doubt, this trip was a great decision for all of us. I was amazed at Mom's energy... we had a blast... it was a great bonding experience... and now Mom knows that the quicker she gets better the quicker she can come back. :-) I'm really looking forward to the next visit.
Since her return to Texas, she has had her port installed in her chest. She was lucky enough to get just a single port, so that it wouldn't be so intrusive. I see that as a good sign. The treatments will begin next week, and we're all really nervous about how she will respond to them. I sure hope that they don't make her too terribly ill. I know that she loves hearing from everyone, so maybe if we band together and send her lots of lovely messages she will not get so sick off of the chemo. It's worth a shot! :-) Thanks again for all of your support... and a BIG SPECIAL thank you to Lenice. I don't know if I could have gotten Mom here without your help.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Don drove me to Paris, TX this morning to meet with Dr. Celeste Wilcox. She is my oncologist, and I think we'll be a good fit. The game plan is as follows: I'll be going to Titus Regional for one more CT Scan, so that she will know my "architecture". Next Tuesday, the 24th, I'll have my port installed. After that I'll be going to Paris every 2 weeks for treatments.
Right now, we are looking at 6 rounds of 4 treatments each. I probably won't loose my hair, most don't on these particular drugs, so that's good news. There is medication for nausea, so I won't be worrying about that. I will probably be pretty fatigued, but that will only mean that the medicine is working.
The people who are closest to our family will remember Useless. She was Joey's dog, a bull dog mix who someone dropped at our driveway, a complete stray, who befriended our family, and ended up living the Life of Riley!
She had her own chair in every room. She really was a wonderful dog. She hated snakes, and protected our family many times over from water mocassins, and copperheads. The first time she was bitten, the snake got her on her face. She swelled up like a hippopotamus. We took her to the vet for a shot and she ended up looking like a pelican.
She chased the cows one time too many, and Don hit her on her head with a fence tool. It just bounced off. Another time she chewed up a plastic bottle of finger nail polish remover, and chased it down with a steel wool pad, it didn't even slow her down.
She was famous for sneaking food off the counter, or wherever she could find it. Chocolate cakes and brownies were favorites, but she couldn't resist Williams Fried Chicken. She could down a whole bucket in under 30 seconds.
I think I must be like Useless. I keep bouncing back. I don't know if a purebred could be quite as resilient. Useless lived to be about 15 years old. She was one lucky dog!
Friday, July 13, 2007
I am so humbled by the concern of my friends and neighbors. The cards received have been greatly appreciated. Your prayers continue to make me strong.
We are now walking a mile every evening - weather permitting! I'm beginning to get bored with staying home so much, but don't really have a choice since my girls have "laid me off". Monday afternoon, I was told to go home from the shop, they had it covered and did not need my help. Can a boss be laid off? I am trying to make myself useful by helping with bookwork here at home. I also have piles of correspondence that I am working on.
Dr. Crim's visit went well. I will be going to the oncologist on Monday. Hopefully this will start the ball rolling, and we can move forward with treatment. It seems that cancer is a hurry up and wait disease. Anyone who knows me, knows that patience is not one of my gifts. Could this be God's way of showing me how to wait?
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
So, I've been thinking for the past two weeks about how very fortunate I am. I grew up in a tiny town. There were less than 2,000 people in my town. That meant that I went to school with about 73-75 people, from the time I was 9 or 10 years old, all the way through high school. When you know people for that long, you generally feel a bit closer to them, you know their families, their grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. I always thought I had 73+ brothers and sisters.
I moved to Mt. Pleasant in 1976. That's 31 years ago. I was the first "Nelson Granddaughter" to leave Chambers County. No small feat! Anyway, I've now been in Titus County, longer than I ever lived in Chambers County. Don and I have raised our family here. I have two hometowns.
The first visitors I had while in the hospital were Anahuac "Sisters and Brothers". Mike and Dale came in, and Cheryle, whom I had not seen in over 30 years came by. I am so fortunate. They made me laugh, and forget all about everything. It was like we were back in high school without a care in the world. The next day I think it was, 2 more Anahuac Sisters, Loy and Veggie came by. They both live in the Austin/Temple area now, but drove up for the day. I have seen Loy and Veggie several times over the years, but my heart always feels lighter when they are around, they have known me too long for me to be anything other than Annaleisa.
Since I've been home, I've received calls from Lee, another Anahuac Brother, who now lives in Huntsville, AL., and Debbie, who is in Anahuac. We are making plans to try to all get together in Anahuac at the Gator Fest this fall. Every time I talk to any of these special people, I feel a bit stronger.
I have also had the luxury of a large extended family. Cousins! My favorite "partner in crime", as a child was my cousin Lynn. I guess it was because of all my cousins, we were the closest in age, I don't know, maybe it was just devious minds!! As we grew older, Lynn and her family moved overseas, and I did not get to spend as much time with the Ashby cousins as I would have liked. They were always so much fun, a mob! Then there was Page. Page is my "baby" cousin. She grew up in Houston, which isn't far from Anahuac, so we got to spend quality time with her, and her family while we were all growing up. Page showed up at the hospital. She now lives near the Dallas area. Isn't it funny how God puts people in our paths. She is such a comfort. I received an e-mail from Lynn last night, I'm hoping that we can re-connect soon.
When I returned home from the hospital, I was over-whelmed with the number of cards that were waiting for us. I say us because at this point, my whole family is involved in this fight. Friends and acquaintances from all over the country, flower industry friends, old family friends, people I barely know. The wonderful people in Mt. Pleasant, brought in food to nourish us, and we can feel the prayers that surround us. When I think about all of the good wishes that continue to flow our way, I truly feel stronger.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
It's been 12 days since the surgery, and I'm finding it hard to believe I'm seriously ill. I have not felt this strong in months. The only discomfort is from the staples that are holding me together, and that discomfort is not bad!
I am trying to walk every day. It's been difficult with the nasty weather we have been having, but I managed a 1/2 mile on Saturday afternoon. I'm still trying to get out of the house for at least an hour a day. I've been running errands every morning. I think the key is, pacing myself. I've been taking a nap everyday around 2:00-4:00, and I'm able to actually stay awake for the 10:00 news most nights.
Sarah had to go back to Florida on Saturday, and my heart still hurts for her, we had the best visit we ever have. I'm so blessed to be her mother! Joe will be leaving today at noon for Clovis, NM, Pops will really miss him. He has taken Pops on several drives, and just sat and visited with him. Bryan came in Monday afternoon, and will be here until Wednesday, we always laugh, and have fun when Bryan is around, he will be the one to transition us back into empty nest.
The next big day is Thursday, July 5. I'll keep you all posted, please keep your fingers crossed for us! Maybe I'll get lucky and can get rid of these staples.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I'm Home, I'm Home !
Well, our hopes and dreams came through Wednesday morning. Dr. Crim's associate, Dr. Hurley gave us our dismissal papers. Other than a reminder to come back in on July 5, for post-operative check up, all's clear.
It is wonderful to be home, the dogs were so excited, but I'm a little afraid of them right now. They tend to jump (well, they are hounds!), and I'm afraid they'll hurt me. That makes me a little sad. I've always had so much fun with them.
Miss Sarah Boggs is still here, thank goodness ! I think we'll have 2 more days before she has to get back to her real life. Joe will be coming in some time tomorrow. He always tries to be here for the fireworks display. I'm not sure how long his visit will be, and Bryan will be coming in Sunday night. Our revolving door is slowly starting to work again. That's something else to be grateful for.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The Waiting Game... still in RM 663
Hm. Waiting. This is the second day of waiting. I don't think we've ever been so anxious to receive a dismissal. The doctor has been hinting around since Monday morning. Of course, there is a course of action to be taken before the goal can be achieved, but we're almost there.
The blood transfusion on Monday is the best example I have ever seen of an unpleasant situation that is necessary for a pleasant outcome. On top of the expected anxiety over having foriegn blood pumped into her veins, the nurses were havng a rough time with the IV spots. Then the transfusion took HOURS longer than expected. First, there was the vein flush. Then antibiotic... flush... blood... flush... antibiotic... flush... blood... flush... antibiotic... UGH! Poor Mom's veins are just pooped. So are her nerves.
Yesterday was pleasant, as Mom was feeling better. It was amazing to see how quickly the transfusion helped her recovery. As the day wore on, our impending impatience set in. LOL. Here is a synopsis of the day... wake up... walk... eat... walk... visit... check vitals... sit... eat... walk... check vitals... visit... walk... check vitals... eat... walk... sit... you get the picture. Mom is growing weary of the redundancy, and misses home.
It is now 9:30am on Wednesday, and we are waiting on the doctor. Hopefully for a dismissal. Hopefully...
Monday, June 25, 2007
Scary Times & Skylines
Tonight I'm writing from the waiting room on the Oncology Floor. There is a beautiful view from this room. Even though we are in Dallas, I can see trees for miles and miles. The skyline is in the distance, and reminds me very much of the Miami skyline from my bedroom in Ft. Lauderdale. It is funny that I should choose this spot, after admitting how the Miami skyline contributed to my decision to come here for these weeks. I love looking at skylines... they remind me of how far we have come... and how far we have yet to go. They conjure up a ton of questions that I wouldn't otherwise have considered.
While I'm looking at the Dallas skyline, I can see rain clouds passing over... at any given moment, there is a portion of the city that is completely hidden by the rain. Then everything goes clear, but only for a moment. Then another cloud passes over, and the cycle resumes. I can only imagine the amount of people inside of those buildings that are affected by these clounds. This reminds me very much of Mom's recovery.
We had a tough day today. Mom started out stronger than ever. She was already awake and was finished with breakfast when I regained consciousness this morning. Sunny times. The doctor came to visit, and informed us that Mom would need a transfusion today. She was much less than excited about this. It was as though the rain cloud was beginning to cast shadows... then the nurses took longer than expected to get the transfusion started. The catheter stayed in, despite the doctor's promise to have it removed today. At 1:30, the transfusion STILL hadn't started. The doctor forgot to mention that an order of antibiotics must be administered prior to the transfusion. Mom's IV spot went bad, and we were limited on options... resulting in several bruises and a frustrated family. The rain was pouring.
It is now almost 7pm, and Mom has finished her 1st transfusion. She is resting quietly, and says that she feels physically better than before... the sun has come out again. Hopefully it will stay for awhile this time... I'll be sure and keep you posted tomorrow...
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Oncology Ward? Or Penthouse Suite? RM 663
In RM 673 on Saturday evening, Mom's new nurse began acquainting us with the new accommodations in what she called, the Oncology Floor. The room was a walk-in closet at best, but a bit closer to the size of a shoe box. There was barely enough room for the bed, and opening/closing the door was out of the question. Because we understood that the hospital was almost at capacity, we did not complain... but asked to be placed on a waiting list for a more spacious room if available.
As I left with a friend to grab dinner, I noticed a room being cleaned. Viola! By the time I returned from dinner, everything had been moved and arranged in what we call The Penthouse. This room is far superior to the last. We are now in a large private room, that has a fabulous view of the Dallas skyline & enough space for a cot and lots of company. :-) It's a good thing that we got moved, because Mom had lots of visitors today!
Seeing everyone really gave her a burst of energy, and she was able to get up and walk 2 times! Also, Dr. Crim has agreed to let Mom eat a liquid diet, which is a step up from the clear liquid meals of yesterday. We are already making a list of things that she wants to eat as soon as she gets clearance...
1. A warm donut
2. 2 fried eggs w/ toast
3. Watermelon slices
4. Purple hulled peas w/ cornbread
5. Seems to have slipped my mind... I'll have to ask her in the morning.
It looks like I'm going to have some serious cooking to do before returning to Florida next weekend! Lol.
ps. Thanks to everyone who has called, written and visited! My brothers and I are reading the emails aloud to Mom each day... it always brings a smile to her face. Thanks for the support!!!! ♥
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Settled Again... RM 673
We are now settled in a new room on the 6th floor. This is the Oncology Floor, and all of the nurses are very compassionate. Mom was praised for being so motivated to move, and for choosing such a strong group of doctors. It seems that Dr. Krim is quite the celebrity around here. :-)
The room is quite cramped, but we are on a waiting list for the next available large room (we didn't even have to suggest the move, the nurses offered!). I'll say it again, this hospital is awesome.
Good Progress... moving today...
So, I can tell that Mom is feeling better because she is getting antsy in bed. The nurses came in this morning and let us know that today will be a big day. Mom has been promised some juice (finally), and maybe some stock. :-) I can tell that she is feeling better, because she is getting antsy in bed. lol. She slides the bed up and down, then back up again. I'm so glad that she is regaining her strength!
Also, as soon as one is available, she will be moving to a room on a less intensive floor. Hooray! She is sitting up, checking her email on her own, and has been so pleasantly surprised by all of your sweet messages.
I will make another post shortly and let everyone know where she moves.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
SUCCESS!!! Now in Rm 319...
So, it's now almost midnight and Mom is resting peacefully. She is amazingly coherent, considering the day she has had! I'm very much surprised at how pulled together she is after the surgery.
The procedure went very well today. The doctors removed all of the colon cancer, as well as the affected lymph nodes in her abdomen (including one that was very close to her aorta!). Also, we were especially relieved to learn that the doctors were able to remove 100% of the affected part of her liver. It turned out to be 5cm! That was an especially delicate portion of the procedure... we hear that the liver processes a gallon of blood/minute! Thank God that the tumor was growing in an area that experiences the lowest blood pressure, and no main vessels were affected. No blood transfusion was needed.
There is only one small tumor remaining, that was located on a vein that was difficult to remove. We are very proud that the doctors honestly evaluated the situation and decided that the spot was too dangerous to remove. Instead, they clipped the tumor, and it will be eradicated with radiation.
After the procedure, she was transferred directly from the recovery room to her private room. No ICU. The hospital staff has been top-notch all the way. During the procedure, they gave phone updates every hour. They are all quite personable and accommodating. I couldn't be more pleased with the service, accommodations and care Mom is receiving. If you ever have a family member that is undergoing similar circumstances, I 100% reccommend Baylor Medical Center in Irving!
In Surgery Now...
Mom is now in surgery, and we have received a preliminary report from the doctors. Everything seems to be going as scheduled, 30 minutes into the procedure.
She has a strong support group at her side, with Dad, Bryan and I. Also, her Mom and Dad. Lenice (Dad's sister) has come to support him, along with Mindi Brown, who is very close to the family and Danelle Folowell, who is personally familiar with the battle. I feel very lucky to have such a strong support group for my mom, and also to have people who can relate to the fears of the family members individually...
Mom's Post on FlowerChat
When I showed Mom her blog, she showed me a post that she had written on her Flower Chat. Flower Chat is an online community for florists across the world to commune and talk about the business, and their lives in general... she wanted me to share this on her blog as well...
On Thursday, May 24, I was notified that biopsies done on my breast had come back positive. OH MY GOD! I have cancer.
The following day I went into the hospital to have a colonoscopy. This procedure had nothing to do with the mammogram, or earlier biopsy. It was just time to have it done. The surgeon told me when I woke up that I had a tumor in my colon, and he was almost certain that it also was malignant. Twice in two days!!!!
I have since had a pet scan, which showed us that I have a malignancy on my liver, in the lymph nodes in my chest, the tumor in my colon is in fact malignant, and the breast cancer is lobular, rather than glandular, which means it is scattered.
So here I am, three weeks later. I am still numb, I'm stunned, I don't know what I am.
I will be going into the hospital next week, to have the colon cancer removed, and my colon resectioned. Thank God for modern medicine. At the same time, a second surgeon will be working on my liver.
I am looking at being in the hospital for about a week, then I will be facing 4-5 months of chemo. Followed by more surgery.
Life at the flower shop has stopped for me, for now. I just don't have the stamina that is required to be there. Thank goodness for the wonderful ladies who work for me. They are keeping the place going, and running it like it was their own. The doctors have assured us that I will be back. This is all treatable.
I have always tried to live my life by the saying that God expects great things of those to whom great gifts are given. That has always pulled me through many hard times.
A while back, someone posted the following meditation. It moved me to tears the first time I read it, and I immediately wrote it down. I have carried it with me ever since. I have been repeating it all day today, and I need to thank whoever wrote it.
"It takes patience to trust
courage to fear not
confidence to have faith
strength to be at peace"
Please keep my family and friends in your prayers. And please, please, take care of your health, get your recommended yearly check ups so that maybe you can all avoid this nightmare.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Surgery Scheduled
So, are hard at work getting everything situated for Mom's surgery. The appointment has been set for this Thursday, June 21st, at Baylor Medical Center in Irving. We will arrive early in the morning, and the surgery is scheduled to begin at noon.
There are not many facts surrounding the surgery. We know that the colon tumor will be removed, and hope that the liver tumor will be removed as well. Because we don't yet know the severity of the liver tumor, it is impossible to tell whether it will be possible to remove it. The breast surgery will take place at a later date (probably November-ish).
The Cry, The Battle, & The Battle Cry.
"Little Girl, we have some bad news."
My dad's voice echoes in my head. After that sentence, everything went numb... blank. When the dust settled, I had absolutely no recollection of the time between hearing those words and hearing my alarm clock. It was Tuesday, May 29. I had "lost" 5 days.
Later, I would learn that I had embarked on 5 days of uncharacteristically rash behavior. I had walked out on my job... and didn't care. I had cancelled a date with one of the most eligible 20-somethings in South Florida... and didn't care. I had stood up my friends on a slew of social events that had been planned months before... you know the drill. The point is, I had not budged from my apartment. Nobody came in... I didn't answer my phone...
A few days later, I heard the same words again... this time I remember. The cancer had not been detected early. It was not "necessarily" terminal. What kind of a thing is that to say? Although those words were meant to encourage, they stung... they stung badly.
I lost it. This wasn't fair. Not my mom. My mom, who worked so diligently to give her kids a healthy upbringing? I have no idea how my brothers handed it. The only words we were able to share on the topic were, "This sucks." The only person who could console me was my mother herself, and that was unacceptable. Because I must be strong for her, the crying had to stop. This was the cry.
After countless hours of sitting at the desk in my bedroom, watching airplanes take off and land at the Ft. Lauderdale Airport, I knew only one thing. I needed to go home. This was unacceptable. My mother is going through the toughest battle of her life, and I am 1,500 miles away. Completely unacceptable.
My parents raised a strong, willing, and brave family. It is time for us to fight... for mom. Our enemy is one of the most feared out there, but together we will prevail. We have recruited a strong team of doctors, who will guide us through the process. They will be our strategists. My dad will be the leader. My mom the strength. My brothers and I will offer support to them in any way we can.
Even though our full battle plan has yet to be determined, our first attack has. On Thursday, Mom will have her first surgery. The cancer will be removed from her colon, and we hope that it will be removed from her liver as well. Since we don't really know how far the cancer has grown on her liver, we can't tell whether it will be fully removed.
Our second attack will be chemical warfare. Chemo. More to come on this later. This is the battle.
Since our frightening discovery, friends, family and well-wishers have come out of the woodworks. I cannot tell you how much this means to us. I appreciate all of the tidbits we are offered from survivors of cancer, families affected by the enemy, or just a simple smile that lets us know that you support our plight. You will be the fuel that keeps our battle going when we get down. This will be the battle cry.
Please, feel free to visit this blog for updates, to give comments, share stories, and/or offer support. I will update the information frequently, to make sure that everyone has first-hand information.
With this battle cry, we will win our battle and the crying will stop.