The things that don't kill us make us stronger. Living a full life as a Cancer Survivor.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
No Christmas Cards This Year
Done! (Medium Rare)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Almost Done!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving with the Boggses
Monday, November 17, 2008
It has been a really, really long day. I didn't sleep much last night. Don hates it when I get so worked up. I don't live scan to scan. I live everyday, but the 2-3 days before scans are killers to me. My attention span is nil, and my temper is even shorter.
Anyway, my appointment for the scan was at 9:30 this morning. I was up by 5:00, why I don't know. I couldn't have any coffee, breakfast, or even water. I finished the last of the lovely Banana-Barium Smoothie by 7:00. I was at the hospital at 8:30, and met Vicki there. We spent the next 1 1/2 hours waiting. I had to drink another "Banana Smoothie", and wait 30 minutes more before they could do the scan. We finished everything, and I was released at 11:00. We went straight to Sonic. Breakfast was calling!
I spent the next hour at home in bed. My radiation appointment was at 1:00. I followed that with another 1 1/2 hour genetic counseling session. I had blood drawn, Don showed up and we drove over to the hospital.
We had hoped that the CT results would be available. Unfortunately they weren't. We left my cell # with Dr. Twaddell's secretary, and I went home. I waited, and waited, until I couldn't wait any longer. Errands don't wait for much of anything around here. I went to the banks and post office. I wasn't gone 20 minutes, but I missed Dr. Evett's call. He left a message that the scans looked great!
I have a radiation treatment in the morning, but don't think I'll be volunteering. I feel like I'm coming down with the "East Texas Crud". I'll see Dr. Prakash next Monday. I'm hoping he'll be putting me on a 6 month checkup schedule. The results of the genetic testing will be back in 3-4 weeks.
Vicki came over tonight for a little celebration. I'm so glad I'm her "project". Life would be so boring without her around.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Positive Thoughts
Tomorrow, Monday, will be a busy day. I'm due to have scans in the morning. I'm suffering from a bad case of "scansiety" today. If the tests come back clear, I'll be released for 6 months! Yeah!!!! If they don't come back clear, we'll have to pull out our bag of tricks. Yuck.
I'll have a radiation treatment tomorrow afternoon, followed by genetic counseling. I don't know if they will draw blood tomorrow, or if I'll have to wait for that. There are some pretty serious complications that we'll have to face if I carry the gene mutations.
I'll post again when I get the news, until then, please keep us in your prayers.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Seasons Changing
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I can't believe I haven't posted in so long. Where does the time go?
I've started walking again. An old friend, Vicki, called out of the blue one day and said, let's go for a walk. I've done it everyday since, and couldn't feel better. We are back up to 2 miles, with plans to get up to 3+ a day. I'm noticing that my clothes are starting to fit better again. Yeah!
I won't need to go shopping for a while since I have a huge range of sizes hanging in the closet.
Vicki and I have also been volunteering at the cancer center twice a week. I don't know how much help I've been, but I keep going. We were in charge of getting the place "pinked up" for breast cancer awareness month, so we spent most of Thursday morning making and hanging pink ribbons. I told everyone that would listen that March is colo-rectal cancer awareness month, and our color is blue. I want some attention for that too! I have been surprised at how many patients here have the same kind of cancer I do (did).
I've helped out at the flower shop a little, but the girls had homecoming under control, so I stayed away as much as possible this week. Homecoming never was my favorite thing. Now, the fall flowers are starting to come in, and that's another thing all together. I LOVE fall colors. I did a little light decorating at the house last week, we have pumpkins, and "the crow" on the front steps, and fall arrangements and pumpkin pie candles burning in the house. I'm ready for the leaves to start falling.
Don has been doing well, he's still swimming every day. We are going to have to join the gym when it gets colder, either that, or heat the pool. He ordered a wet suit so he could continue to swim, but he's had some "issues" with it, I wonder if he has a plan "B"?
We spent last Saturday at the steer sale at the fair. I didn't go last year, since I had just had a treatment, so I really, really enjoyed the funnel cake we shared. The weather was "fair-perfect", and it was nice to get out and walk around like normal again. Pops even went, but not with us! His sitters found a wheel chair, and took him out for about an hour. He had a big time.
We finally got around to celebrating our 32 anniversary last week. I can't believe we've been married that long! We took a quick trip out of town, spent the night, and had a lovely dinner at our favorite Asain restaraunt. It was a nice break.
Pops's care has had to increase, he now has a visiting nurse that will come by 1-2 times a week. An aide has been added to his team too. She is scheduled to be here everyday at 6:00, and will stay until 7:00. She is responsible for night-time meds, and helping him with a bath before bed. We are hoping that that will help him sleep better. Seems he's been getting up a lot every night, and has had a couple of falls. Don can no longer get him up by himself, it takes two men to lift him, remember he's a big guy! The amazing thing is that he can't walk into the bathroom without falling, but he can wiggle his way out of his hospital bed, complete with rails without falling down.
The campaign is gearing back up. We put up a few signs last night, and I've noticed them popping up around town. There is a Democratic Rally planned for today, and we'll be stopping by for a while. The next debate is scheduled for Oct. 14, at the Civic Center. November will be here before we know it!
Hope everyone is able to enjoy this wonderful weather. There's something about that first little fall briskness in the air.
Friday, September 19, 2008
I'm doing fine. We still don't know exactly why I had "the bleed". Self-diagnoses tells me it was just an unfortunate series of events. I won't go into it all now, but I know now what I'm going to avoid for a while! I did find out that you don't want to mess with thyroid medications. I'm back on mine now (took myself off in Dec. of '06). Swelling is pretty much gone, and energy level is finally coming back. I haven't had to do couch time all week.
The Chambers County family made it through Hurricane Ike pretty well. They were lucky. Mom and Dad lost 2 trees, that was all. I heard yesterday that one of my cousins has a shrimp boat in her yard. Of course on top of everything, supplies and necessities like clean water are hard to come by, and the power probably won't be back on for another week or so. I spoke to a friend from down there this morning, and her house flooded, but the good news is that her husband, dogs, cat, and horses are all safe. Another friend lost his house, hunting lodge, and all of his barns, but again the good news is that his family is safe. I saw the pictures of Oak Island on the news, and it's pure devistation. It is all gone.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Yesterday afternoon was spent napping on the couch, and catching up on missed phone calls. Barry and Lana brought dinner last night and we spent the evening quietly. Sleep came easily last night, which always surprises me after I've slept so, so much during the day, but last night was different. I slept peacefully all night, and had the most wonderful dream. I dreamed of the future. I dreamed we moved the flower shop to another location. All of my past and present employees were there. It was all very detailed. Everyone worked as one big team, we laughed, had a major screw up (which was as usual my fault, lol) and had so, so much fun. It was so good to see the old "crew" again. I don't really know what it all means, but I woke up feeling re-charged and happy. Happy days.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I now know (not that I ever wanted to) what ICU is all about. I'm home now after a 5 1/2 day stay at the hospital. Yuck. I woke up to a serious GI bleed Thursday night. Don and Harry (thank goodness he was here), took me to ER, and after a lot of poking, proding, scaning, etc., I was moved into ICU for the next couple of days. I'm still waiting for results from all of the tests, but have my fingers crossed that my stomach and small intestines are suffering chemo irritation. I should know more later. The good news is, the port is a goner. Thank you Bryan for dropping your plans, and coming home to be with Dad. I'll post more later. Right now the couch is calling me.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Getting Back to the old me
What a week! I had an appointment with Dr. Prakash on Tuesday, and the port will be coming out. HOOOORAYYYY!!!!!!! I have hated this thing since the beginning. It's like a constant reminder of everything horrible. He didn't want to say that I'm cured, but he did say that there is no data to compare my case to. In other words, they don't know why I'm doing so well, but they aren't going to question it, and neither am I. I won't see him again for 3 months, then more scans and if they are clean I'll start seeing him every 6 months.
On Friday I made a quick trip to Dr. Crim's office in Dallas. It was one of those 15 minute office visits. He looked over my scan and colonoscopy results and said he'd see me in 3 months.
We celebrated Clinton and Jean Twadell's recent marriage Saturday night. It was a really fun night out. Chocolate cake and lots of folks I haven't visited with in forever. How great is that? We were sorry we missed Lana's big 50th surprise party. Happy birthday Lana! I know you all had a great time. I hate that we couldn't be in 2 places at the same time.
I got the sad news about Hilary on Saturday morning. She was so strong for so long, and fought so hard. We need to remind ourselves how lucky we all were to know her. I was honored to do the family flowers for her services. It gave me an opportunity to think about her, and say good bye.
I was at the shop all day on Monday. Joe got emergency leave, and got home around 5:30, for visitation. After the service on Tuesday, we had a quick lunch and he left to go back to Oklahoma. I spent the rest of Tuesday doing "catch-up" errands that I had missed on Monday. Finished the day off with Lana and a glass of wine on the deck. Whew!
My to do list today isn't as long. I just need to make some phone calls and schedule some appointments. I'm not feeling nearly so overwhelmed. Jack and Lenice are coming in this weekend. It seems like forever since we've seen them.
Please keep Hilary's family and Amanda in your prayers. Hope everyone has a good week.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Now what?
I have run all summer. I think somewhere down deep inside I've been running from this past year. I'm trying to put it all behind me, pretend that it never really happened. Get back to being me, BC. Don prefers to think that we are trying to get as many experiences in as possible, in case (God forbid) it comes back.
I still haven't started volunteering at the cancer center. I have my official pink shirt, and badge hanging in the closet waiting to go, but I just can't seem to do it. It's like the scars of what I've been through are still too new. I really want to help there, and I will, just not quite yet.
How long does it take to get back to normal? Physically, I'm good. I had a colonoscopy this past week. The surgeon removed 3 more polyps. That's good news, we stopped them early. I had CT scans, and they were clear. I'm still considered NED. So, what's the problem? This is where it gets sticky.
It seems like every time I turn around I hear of another cancer tragedy. Tony Snow, Leroy Sievers, the list goes on and on. But what really bothers me is the number of young people who are being hit. I don't understand, and I can't come to grips with it.
I want my old life back. I no longer want to be defined by cancer. I just want to be Annaleisa, and I know in my heart that isn't possible. This disease has changed me, and I'm still fighting it.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Last trip of the season
Monday, July 14, 2008
Fireworks, and the 4th
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
What the Kitty Boys do when I'm away
Thought I'd let everyone know what Sigfried was up to while I was in New Orleans. He no longer thinks he's a dog. He thinks he's a lion now. Poor Roy!
Relay for Life
Relay for Life, 2008 is now history! The last hurrah was last night with a pizza party at the CLC in Mt. Pleasant. I believe that so far they have collected $63,000! Not bad for a group without a central chairman. The great numbers were done with old fashioned teamwork. It was good to see old friends and make new ones. Judy, Bill, Annaleisa, Don, Worthie, and Richard were all in attendance.
Bill, Don, and Richard are heroes! They have stood by the Sistas during this past year. I overheard Don ask Richard, "Did you think we'd be here last year at this time?" We are all so, so very fortunate, and happy!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Summing it all up
We started the last day off with beignets at Cafe' Du Monde. I'm glad I wasn't in any of these pictures, I had sugar, AND powdered sugar ALL over me. Silly me didn't think about sitting downwind.
I especially liked the art work behind Jack. I think he had the best view of everything. We were at a corner table, and he was facing Jackson Square.
The last two pictures were taken at the Old Absinthe House. We had just spent an hour wandering around the French Quarter, lost as only touristas can be. Check out our friend in the background. The blonde. She told Lenice she had just been "decked" by a drag queen while minding her own business walking down the street! Oh yeah-have I mentioned that I LOVE NEW ORLEANS?
Houmas House
One of several waterfalls.
The back water garden.
Back of the house with part of the terrace, and water garden in the foreground.
Don, admiring the art. This is for "the boys"!