Vicki and Oscar hosted the finishing up party.
Oscar came dressed for the occasion.

The mold. I wanted to keep it for a souvenir, but was told it's bio-hazardous.
Well, I'm finally done with radiation. Last year at this time I was still doing chemo. What a crazy year it's been! Here's hoping 2009 will be better.
I started Christmas shopping on Tuesday. Thank goodness we can now do a lot of it online. I did a marathon shopping trip Thursday, and got most of it wrapped by Friday night. I'm really ahead this year. I'm usually just beginning to wrap everything on Christmas Eve, but I'm trying to listen to the doctors, and not "over-do".
Don was sworn in, or at depending on who you're talking to, on Friday. He won't take office officially until January 1. He's looking forward to being able to take Priscilla with him a lot. I never thought of coonhounds as truck dogs, but whatever.
I got all the lights up on the house last weekend, but of course the back ones keep blowing fuses. I never do have good luck with Christmas lights. I only got on the roof once, I was a good girl this year. One of the guys that work for Don did most of the heavy lifting, but I couldn't resist getting involved. It's just not Christmas til I spend some roof time.