Thursday, July 5, 2007

Just got back from Dallas, and thanks to Dr. Clifford I'm now staple free! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!! He said the tissue surrounding the tumor on my liver looked clear, really good news.
Will go back on Monday to see Dr. Crim, then we'll deal with whatever comes next. I'm ready for whatever gets thrown at me.


Anonymous said...

Great news, Annaleisa!! I know you were ready to get those things out.
I so enjoyed reading your blog about your hometown. I remember when we had our small group back so many years ago and you talked about the closeness of your family.
Seemed to recall the lady that worked for your family having supper ready for your mother and warming in the oven and the family gathering every afternoon. I was envious of such a close knit group. Loved reading that that hasn't gone away. Love,Kathy Spann

Mica said...

Hi Annaleisa - How great that you are making such good progress!! Even in the midst of your recovery, I am happy you find some time to keep up your blog - I love reading it!

Have a nice weekend and know that our hugs and prayers for you will never cease!


Anonymous said...

Annaleisa!!! Thank you for picking up where Miss Sarah left off... I check your blog almost everyday to see how you are progressing and it seems that you are putting you best foot forward with all the walking!

That is great news on the tumor!!!

Awww... isn't it great to be staple free!!! Who knows how many miles you will put in now! ;)

Your an amazing woman with an amazing family!!!
