Wednesday, January 16, 2008


The pump came off this morning at 11:15. I hope it's the last time I have to deal with that!!!! I sat in my car and read the paper until it just got too cold. As I walked into the clinic the timer on the pump went off--perfect timing! There were hugs and smiles and jumping up and down all around-celebration! The nurses asked me what I planned for a celebration and I told them I've got an appointment for a root canal in an hour!

The dental appointment went off without a hitch. I've run all my errands for the day, and now I plan on relaxing.

Thank you all for remembering The Boggs Family in your prayers. Pet Scan is scheduled for Monday, Jan. 21, we'll move on from there.


Anonymous said...

Hallelujah!! Thine the glory.
Annaleisa I am so glad you are finished with this part of your treatment. You have persevered so bravely. (Play Rocky theme song here) I don't think you have celebrated properly. Wow, chemo and a root canal all in one day.
We need to hear Helen Redding sing" I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar".
You could whip a bear. Ha. Love, Kathy

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! Drum roll...I am free!
We continue to pray for you and your improved health and your family for strength in supporting you.
Go girl,

Jaime said...

Congatulations! I'm so happy for you! We're really looking forward to the visit this weekend. See ya tomorrow!


Mica said...

CONGRTULATIONS!! This is a huge accomplishment!

Hope someone sent you some flowers ... ;-)


Anonymous said...

If I was there, I'd give you a hug! I hope everything keeps going on the up and up for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

WOW, You are a survivor for sure, are you going to sign up for the show, anytime soon..I believe God can do anything,with prayers sent to Him in faith..and He certainly gets loads of glory for this one..What a deal...I won't stop praying, because I know how evil the big C is, and He can rear his evil head anytime..but sounds to me,as you pulled out the Boggs can of Whoop on him...Good news, great news..I am going to dance now...God bless you...Mary Anne

Anonymous said...

This is the best news that I have heard LATELY!! I am thinking about you today and I am sure that your scan results will be perfect! I am sooo happy for you and your family!!

Mandy Stansell