Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What Elvis does on Saturday Afternoons

Do I have too much time on my hands?


monkey14 said...

That is so cute, & so cool!

Anonymous said...

Annaleisa, I love these pictures. They gave me such a good laugh.
I will have to forward them to Stephen.
Love my card. I have it hanging on my fridge to enjoy for longer.
The picture of you, Judy, and Worthie, and your men folk is so nice. Thanks so much for including it on the blog. What a blessing. Love, Kathy Spann

Anonymous said...

He ain't nothin' but a Hound Dog..for sure...now I know what they talk about, when they say, living a dog's life..got it good.Nice to know,that is all you have to post..no bad news..Mary Anne

Jaime said...

Oh my goodness, those pics are too cute. Olivia asks to see them everytime I turn on the computer. She wants to know where Lorette is though :o)

Anonymous said...
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