I can't make these things up. This was the message in my fortune cookie tonight --"It's not only important to add years to your life, but to add life to your years."
Today was colonoscopy day. Good news, 2 polyps now gone. Better news they didn't look like bad polyps. Best news I won't need another colonoscopy for a year or two!
The things that don't kill us make us stronger. Living a full life as a Cancer Survivor.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Finally, back to the blog!
AB @ Graceland, October 14, 2009.
OK, so everyone ought to do it once.
Jill Brooks, Leslie Markey, and Bryan Boggs.
The anticipation is contagious!
U2 360 tour October 12, 2009
Bryan and Mom at the new Cowboy's Stadium.
Pre-U2 concert!
I was so thrilled he thought to invite his old mom!!!!
The mess that was the design room.
Country Cottage Florist renovations
Sept. 22, 2009.......Finished pictures will follow! lol
Cousins Laura & Lynn at the "Teacup Reunion"
The Woodlands, Oct. 3, 2009
(and yes, I really did want this for our anniversary, I'm awesome on it!)
Monday, July 27, 2009
What's been going on
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The doctor's visit didn't really answer any questions. I'll be doing a PET scan in July to try to find out what's going on. I'm planning on a busy summer, with lots of travel and adventures, so this issue is going to the back of the line.
While reading a message board this evening, I came across this article:
Looks like good news. I wasn't diagnosed until 2007, had successful surgery, and the latest chemo. Odds are looking up!
I'm helping out at the flower shop this week. If you are out and about stop by and say hi.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
I have recently been asked to talk to a group of hospital employees about my experience with colon cancer. I had thought that I wanted to try to forget this part of my life, to put it "behind" me so to speak ;) (a little colon cancer humor). I don't want to be a poster child for cancer. I just want to be me. If I have to have cancer, why can't it be a bit more glamorous, or romantic? Like in the movies when the heroine just slowly wastes away. Why does it have to be the one that no one wants to talk about? No pretty pink ribbons, and paint the town pink for us colon folks!
Colon cancer is just plain gross, and hateful. It will hit you when you aren't looking, and try it's hardest to take you down. It messes with your mind, tangles up your life, and for some it will eventually win out. In February, it got Pam, and just yesterday it got Shawndra. I met both of them soon after I was diagnosed, and have followed their blogs for over a year now.
I always thought that colon cancer was just for old people. I have learned that it doesn't care how old you are. My tumor was slow growing. By the time I had my first colonoscopy at 51, the doctor said that I had probably had it for at least 5 years. So, had I paid attention to the symptons I was having, and done something about them, I could have been diagnosed at 46. I didn't even know what a colonoscopy was at 46, and I sure wasn't going to go to the doctor and tell him I was bleeding out of my bum! I warned you--colon cancer is gross.
Could have, should have, would have, it no longer matters. This is my life now, and the road I'll take has been chosen for me. I'll continue to be scanned-prodded, and stuck on a regular basis. We were told by an oncologist that most stage IV colon cancer patients only live 2 years. That was a real wake up call. It's now been 1 year and 9 months since surgery. I've been off chemo for 1 year and 2 months, and am still clear. So far, I've been one of the lucky ones. I've had 2 doctors that have told me I would be cured, but they are in the minority. Most think that I'll be on some form of treatment for the rest of my life. Colon cancer seldom gives up. If you are 50 or older, get a colonoscopy if you haven't already had one. If you are 50 or under and have any strange things going on- blood in stools, anemia, abnormal stools, abdominal pain or cramping, get to your doctor and demand a colonoscopy.
Colon cancer kills as many Americans as breast cancer and aids combined. Every 9 minutes someone dies of the disease. 1 out of 18 Americans will get the disease. Colorectal cancer is highly preventable and treatable if caught early. Yet it is the nation's second leading cancer killer due to lack of screening.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Scan Results
Once again, I've been blessed! The scan showed no cancer. Dr.Prakash told me to keep doing whatever it is I've been doing. Don't really know what that might be, nothing special, but I'm gonna keep it up. I've been spending more time at the shop. I plan on being there all day tomorrow, so if you're out and about stop by to say hi! Thank you so very much for your continued prayers.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
It's scan time again! PET scan will be tomorrow morning, here in Mt. Pleasant. This will be the 4th Pet I've had since June '07. I'm prepping today. No carbs, no food after midnight. Only one cup of coffee allowed today, now that's the tough one. I don't remember all of these rules from before. I just know that a PET is a LOT easier on me than a CT, none of that barium smoothie stuff-yay!
I'm not nervous about the results this time. That's a big first. I'm feeling great, and I've finally decided that it is what it is. I just hope I'm not jinxing the results by being too confident. I've started reading "The Human Side of Cancer, Living with Hope, Coping with Uncertainty". It was written by Dr. Jimmie Holland, a psycologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering. I've always been a control freak, surprize, surprize, and I'm trying figure out how to let alot of this stuff go and just enjoy the here and now.
Since last I posted, we've been to Enid for Joe's assignment night. The baby boy will be going to Elmdorff AFB in Alaska. This will be a 4 year assignment. He'll be flying c17s, which by the way was what he was hoping for. We are all so excited for him! He won't actually leave until Sept-Oct., he has to do some special training before he can go.
Bryan will be in town this weekend. We're planning a belated birthday celebration. We postponed the festivities while we were in OK.
I'll get the results of the scan on Tuesday. Will keep you posted. Please remember Judy, Worthie, Amanda, Carol, and the Craig family in your prayers.
Monday, January 26, 2009
So far my only new year's resolution is working out well. I'm no longer a "sack-hound"! I've set my alarm for 6:20 A.M., and am sticking to it. It feels good to have all of the errands done by 10:00, and the rest of the day free. I'm much more productive, which I'm sure Don appreciates.
I've toyed with the thought of suspending the blog for a while. I never seem to have any real news. My life is pretty boring. Just about the time I decided for sure I would take a break, I had to go in for a follow up mammogram. After the longest wait for results I've ever had to endure, the Dr.s office called and told Connie (not me) the film was all clear. I dodged another bullet- yay!
I won't have another scan until Feb. I still don't know when, but it will be a PET. I'll have it done here in MP. We are just in a "wait and see" cycle. I'll have another mammo. in March, then probably a CT in May. And so it goes......
An update on Miss Kitty: I dropped her off for a little female surgery this morning. She has gained over 3 lbs. since Jan. 16. Pretty good indication that she was expecting. I'll be bringing her back home on Wednesday. Her back leg is doing much better. She can now stand up in the car and hang her head out the window like a real dog. She really has been good company even though she does have a bit of the velcro syndrome.
We have a busy week coming up. I won't be able to volunteer at all. We'll be going to Enid on Thursday (weather permitting) for Joe's assignment night. He's pretty nervous about learning where he'll be for the next 4 years. I have my fingers crossed it's somewhere warm and beachy so I can visit.
Hope everyone has a good week, I'll update when I have some real news.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Update on "The Dog"
I think I've got a dog! We haven't heard a peep from any possible owners. I've added before and after pics. Scruffy, Sugar, Sweetie Pie, Miss Kitty, Darlin, went to the groomer today, and is now without a doubt a Schnauzer. As you can tell, I still don't know what to call her. She's just happy that I do call her, and answers to anything. She seems to prefer Kitty. Please keep the suggestions coming.
Friday, January 16, 2009
I had decided that I didn't want a dog after keeping Oscar for a week. The decision was final, and made carefully. I'm a selfish person, who doesn't (didn't) want to be bothered with the constant needs of a house dog. Right. About face.
As I was leaving Don's store this afternoon, I saw this little dog cross FM 1734. It's a bad, busy place for a dog to be. I picked the puppy up. I am now officialy one of those crazy people who pick up strays.
We visited 3 vets today, and the pound. She has no chip, no collar, no one looking for her that we can identify. She is probably about 4 years old, mostly Schnauzer, heart worm positive, and not spayed. I had the last vet give her a bath, and check her over to make sure she wouldn't give the "big" dogs any nasties.
She is very well mannered. Seldom barks, seems to get along with other dogs, and was nice to the kitty-boys at the flower shop. She rode all the way to New Boston with me this afternoon, and never made a peep. Tomorrow I plan to drive down to Southeast Texas. We'll see how she does on road trips.
I'm giving her owners a week to get in touch with me. If I don't hear from them by then, then I guess I have a dog. Got any good names?