Hello, It's quite possible you will not remember me, but I grew up in Mount Pleasant & certainly remember you. You have consistently been in my prayers. Thanks to my mom I have somewhat kept up w/ your journey. My beautiful boy has also experienced the pain that comes from cancer. I wish you all the miracles that he received and more.
I also have a blog, but I'm very internet shy. If you would like an invite... szanutto@yahoo.com
Everyone looks great! Love Bryan's pajama bottoms. Ha!
Happiness and joy shows on all the faces. So wonderful Annaleisa.
Hello, It's quite possible you will not remember me, but I grew up in Mount Pleasant & certainly remember you. You have consistently been in my prayers. Thanks to my mom I have somewhat kept up w/ your journey. My beautiful boy has also experienced the pain that comes from cancer. I wish you all the miracles that he received and more.
I also have a blog, but I'm very internet shy. If you would like an invite... szanutto@yahoo.com
I've truly enjoyed reading your thoughts.
Shelley (shepard)
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