Thursday, February 5, 2009

It's scan time again! PET scan will be tomorrow morning, here in Mt. Pleasant. This will be the 4th Pet I've had since June '07. I'm prepping today. No carbs, no food after midnight. Only one cup of coffee allowed today, now that's the tough one. I don't remember all of these rules from before. I just know that a PET is a LOT easier on me than a CT, none of that barium smoothie stuff-yay!
I'm not nervous about the results this time. That's a big first. I'm feeling great, and I've finally decided that it is what it is. I just hope I'm not jinxing the results by being too confident. I've started reading "The Human Side of Cancer, Living with Hope, Coping with Uncertainty". It was written by Dr. Jimmie Holland, a psycologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering. I've always been a control freak, surprize, surprize, and I'm trying figure out how to let alot of this stuff go and just enjoy the here and now.
Since last I posted, we've been to Enid for Joe's assignment night. The baby boy will be going to Elmdorff AFB in Alaska. This will be a 4 year assignment. He'll be flying c17s, which by the way was what he was hoping for. We are all so excited for him! He won't actually leave until Sept-Oct., he has to do some special training before he can go.
Bryan will be in town this weekend. We're planning a belated birthday celebration. We postponed the festivities while we were in OK.
I'll get the results of the scan on Tuesday. Will keep you posted. Please remember Judy, Worthie, Amanda, Carol, and the Craig family in your prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Annaleisa, when you finish that book, try Bernie Siegel's books, "Peace, Love, and Healing" and "Love, Medicine, and Miracles." I read them several years ago. I still have copies and will loan them if you are interested.
That's exciting about Joe's assignment. You'll get to travel to Alaska now. Fun!
Love, Mary Gail