Monday, July 22, 2019

Getting it all together

I saw Dr. Syed this morning, and here is the short list of what I'm facing:

1. PET scan Tuesday AM
2. EKG asap. The chemo is some nasty stuff, have to make sure my heart is up to it!
3. Wednesday AM  Follow up with Dr. Syed to get staging stats.
4. Port inserted asap. I'm going to request the biggest, baddest one they have!
5. Genetic testing started this morning. There's a pretty good chance those genes are involved in this    
6. Dr. Syed is getting in touch with MD Anderson to see if I'm a candidate for any possible clinical
    trials that might be beneficial.
7. Get this chemo started! To the tune of Get This Party Started!!!!

All kidding aside, I'm ready to do what it takes to get this nasty beast out of me for good.


Unknown said...

I have thought of you since your post of discovery. I was saddened that you must once again travel this road again. But I am confident that if Jesus met Paul on the road to Damascus and God in the form of a burning bush to Mose He has already finished your deliverance from this and awaits you at the finish line. One prayer,one God, one promise ,many forums of grace. Many are the afflictions of the righteousness but God will deliver them all. ❤

Unknown said...

This post was by Dianna Mayes Mcdade

Sallie-Anne Swift said...

WOW so much going on, but I guess that’s the way it goes. At least you have your wonderful sense of humor. Praying for you �� ��

Grail said...

I will be anxious until all test are back. Then you will know and get started kickin’ butt !!!!

Jeanni Pruitt said...

Chip and I will be praying for you and supporting you from Oklahoma but I can be there in 3 1/2 hours if you need me. I’m serious I can drive you to appointments, cook, clean or just be there if you need me. Save your strength to kick this cancers butt!!!

Alice said...

Thinking of you ...and your family. Sending prayers!!

Joe said...

Love you Mom.