Tuesday, September 10, 2019

What's been happening?

So today, at 11:00, I'll be starting round 3.  Not kidding when I say I'm dreading it.  Round 2 knocked me down for 10 full days. I've been warned that they only get worse, so I'm trying to get my head in a good place.

The 2 good weeks between treatments went by too fast. I felt great, which makes the anticipation of # 3 all the harder.  I got to visit with friends, have living room picnics, go to the winery, paint, and celebrate 43 years of wedded bliss.

We will be leaving for MD Anderson on the 17th. Hoping it will be a nonessential visit. Dr Syed told me last week that he thinks, after examination that the tumor has shrunk by 50%.  If it shrinks by 70%, I'll be able to finish treatment here. That would be a major blessing.

Please keep Mom in your prayers too. She was admitted to the hospital last night. I don't think she fully understands why I'm not able to see her as often as I did.  My sister is coming in today to be with her.  Thank goodness for family that are willing to step up to the plate!


Darlene Andrews said...

Prayers for you!

Edwina Miles said...

Continued thoughts, prayers and hugs!
