Monday, September 17, 2007

Sept 10-13 Week 2

The last time I had a treatment, my red counts were low. I couldn't get out of bed for most of that week. Don decided we'd try an experiment and I'd eat red meat before the next treatment. On Sunday night he grilled sirloin strips, medium rare. They were delicious!
I drove myself to Titus Regional Hospital here in Mt. Pleasant on Monday morning for my appointment with Dr. Wilcox. Believe it or not after the lab reports came back in we found out that my red count was normal! Don is really onto something, but I always knew he was highly intelligent!
I slept through most of the infusion, then drove myself home. The only side effect I had this time was being uncomfortably cold. I layered on the clothes, and gloves until I looked like a bag lady wearing everything she owns. I spent most of Tuesday in the bed, then it was steak time again. This time we tried rib-eyes, yum!
I went back to TRMC on Wednesday to have the pump removed. The chemo never really knocked me down this time. I was able to run errands on Thursday. It felt good to not loose a day this week. I'm pretty sure Don must be onto something with the red meat. We'll be trying it again next treatment week.


Anonymous said...

Some of us always knew that red meat was good, didn't we? Now, we really know, no matter what those vegan doctors think. Bob's been filling me up on it this weekend, and it's been great! Eat up before Tuesday.
I'm so sorry to hear about Ray Price's death. I do love and mourn my pets, too.
Love, Mary Gail

Anonymous said...

Hey Annaleisa,
Sorry I haven't talked to you I have been out of town over a week we have been through Maine & Vermont also went to Nigra Falls in canada. It has been a great trip we will be home on Sunday. So glad you got a good report. You are always in my prayers. When I get back would love to get together. Hey e-mail me back at If not I'll call you when I get back.

Love ya,
