Monday, September 17, 2007

Sept.1-9 Week 1

I'm going to have to break September into three posts. So much has been happening, I'm having a hard time keeping it all straight!
Sarah, Lee, and Bryan came in for Labor Day weekend. We didn't scare Lee off!!! It was a hoot. On Sunday, Danielle and her Brian came in for the day to swim and visit. They ended up staying the night. The boys all went hunting and the girls hung out on the deck. It was so much fun seeing Sarah and Danielle get all caught up.
The house cleared out Monday, and Tuesday Sarah and I went to Longview to do some shopping and have lunch. We had a really fun day, but I got a little sick on the way home that afternoon. I'm going to learn someday that just because a rueben sandwich sounds good, it's not necessarily such a good idea.
Tuesday was Don and my 31st anniversary. Imagine that! Sarah cooked shrimp scampi for us that night, while we had a little "date" on the deck.
On Wednesday, we had to take our little girl back to Dallas to catch her flight. I didn't cry this time, we'll be seeing her at Thanksgiving, and that will be here before we know it.
Stephanie and Alice came over Thursday night. It's always good to see friends, and we had a nice vistit. Don and I went to dinner on Saturday night with Barry and Lana. The Carson House is as good as I remembered it. I think the last time we were there was New Years Eve 2001.
So much for week 1, I'll continue with week 2 in the next post.

1 comment:

Lee Colvin said...

No, you didn't scare me off... Although I have to admit, coon hunting might take a bit to get used to.

Get well soon, and keep this blog updated -- it's nice to know how you're doing 1st hand, rather than hearing it from you lovely daughter :)